Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Modern Journalism: Bair and Falanced

So the Seattle Times didn't get the photo wrong as previously predicted (Perry really does look like that when he's crammed into a Lynchian hallway with a harsh perspective and ferociously ethereal lighting)--instead they got the facts of the story wrong. Hooray for the vacuous lickspittles of modern journalism!

"The university's action was upheld May 26 by a state appeals court, except for one costly flaw: The court ruled the whole process must start over again because Mills' disciplinary hearing was closed to the public."

Of course, as all ye faithful readers remember--and the Goode Apostle Paul de Armond was quick to point out--the university's Aktion was overturned and not upheld. But really, isn't overturned just a synonym for upheld? As in "Molly invented the applepine downside-up cake by using a recipe she got from the Seattle Times, having accidentally upheld the paper in an overturned manner."

Reed it yore shelf here:

Seattle Times: Is WWU drama professor provocative, or an abusive bully?

Demand a retraction if you prefer your fiction left to cable TV news media... Otherwise, subscribe.


Jay Taber said...

The nuance that the court rejected some of the claims by Mills in terms of rights violated by the university administration, while finding that his right to due process under the law was violated, is probably beyond the cognitive ability of most journalists. It's why we have blogs, where thinking people can explain logic and literacy to the illogical and illiterate.

Jay Taber said...

I found it somewhat amusing that the faculty hearing panel merely decided that Mills must be neutered, while the board of trustees http://west.wwu.edu/trustees/bio.shtml demanded his head. Must have something to do with all that Viking testosterone floating around in the board room.